Art Attack – Feast or Famine
John Rankine
I’m jist a girl who cain’t say no I’m in a turrible fix I always say, “come on let’s go” Just when I orta say nix
I knew I would be overwhelmed, and I am.
I knew when Jeremy Mason McGraw approached me to do a large-scale photo installation for the May Festival of the Arts I couldn’t say NO, even though I knew it would collide with and disrupt another photo project I was working on as well as the large art installation I had just set a date for at the end of March.
That damn Muse. It’s hard to say no when things excite you.
And it’s hard to say no because as an artist you also know that this passion and excitement are often elusive, fleeting, and at times, just plain not there.
It’s creative feast or famine – and it’s likely every artist or creative person reading this knows exactly what this term means.
It seems you’re either busting with creative ideas or desperately trying to paint, sing, sculpt, perform or write about something – anything.
So, here I am, juggling three art projects simultaneously and trying to write a weekly column. And that’s not counting those things like running a full time business, having a social life or performing the everyday mundane tasks like vacuuming, checking email or trimming toenails.
I’m not bitching – I’d much rather feel alive, inspired and overwhelmed than face the discouraging void. But it’s a beautiful spring day, the garden is calling and I could easily shut down this over-stimulated mind and spend the day taking snapshots of our five new baby goats.
P.S. In an effort to help my stress reduction, could all the artists who have agreed to be part of the MUGS portrait series please show up this week at Sweet Spring Antiques between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. any day except Tuesday. I promise the photo will be fast and painless. Deadline approaches.
P.P.S. A reminder and an invitation to all to come out to my new exhibit “Graven Images” on Good Friday, March 29 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at The Space. The installation can also be viewed the following Saturday and Sunday between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m.
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