Art Attack – Upstaged by the weather
John Rankine
Last week’s freakish weather was the star and start of this year’s May Festival of the Arts. Even the successful and very fun May 1 MUGS en Masse outdoor reception at the Queen Anne Mansion was full of dramatic tension as several large thunderheads formed directly above us. As artists were quickly herded into the courtyard for the group photo-op, I overheard more than one comment about a single bolt of lightening wiping out the major chunk of our creative community.
Needless to say, and to the chagrin of some, we are all still here.
Big thanks to Steve, Lata and the Queen Anne staff for going all out and hosting one of the finest parties Eureka has seen in years.
We were not so lucky this past weekend, as May Fest events got cancelled because of foul weather. The Artrageous Parade, the drumming in the park and the official ultra-violet lighting of the SPHERE are all rescheduled for this Saturday.
Not even Jesus could save the day as the much-anticipated Friday re-opening of the Great Passion Play was postponed to the following day due to snow. Yes snow – and record cold temperatures in May. I was one of the skeptics who said, “snow in May, no way,” especially after the Weather Channel’s false gloom and doom predictions for our little town all winter long.
Rather than keep the SPHERE wrapped up in black plastic for another week, Creative Energy Project producer Jeremy Mason McGraw and SPHERE creator Robert Norman decided to unveil and light the spinning sculpture in Basin Park Saturday night anyway.
Despite its “official” cancellation, SPHERE devotees came out in full force to see what the infamous Stick Man had created. The oohs and aahs were telling as a genuine and rare sense of awe came over the gathered crowd. Bravo, Mr. Norman.
So this Saturday we are going to do it right with a frenzied drumming in the park, hundreds of LED lights combined with the energy of locals and a few hundred tourists.
I know it’s not painted Harleys, but could we get our “Who doesn’t like electricity?” mayor and our city council (with the exception of alderman DeVito, who actually supports the arts and artists in the community) to attend at least one art event this May? It’s a little embarrassing to have a mayor who heads the “Mayor’s Art Council” who has never been spotted at a single art event in this town. This is the May Festival of the Arts, a month long celebration now in its 26th year. We need everyone’s support.
P.S. As I was checking the MUGS portraits to see how they held up in last week’s snow and rain, I noticed a few portraits already enhanced with magic markers. I so do appreciate the enthusiasm but hope everyone will hold out for the official Graffiti event May 24.
And the MUGS poster is available in galleries around town and at my store, Sweet Spring Antiques.
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